The company

Since 2004, in our farm we take care of the vineyards, which extend to almost 13 hectares in Pianné di Matelica. Over the years we have improved our activity, creating valuable connections with our surroundings, driven by passion, pursuit of excellence and attention to detail throughout the entire production process.
Harvest after harvest, we create IGT, DOC and DOCG wines that make us proud. Our annual production of 30,000 bottles consists of six labels: Grappoli d’Oro (Verdicchio di Matelica Riserva DOCG), Alarico (Verdicchio di Matelica DOC), Arché (Verdicchio di Matelica DOC), Onorio (Colli Maceratesi rosso DOC), Bosco (Colli Maceratesi Rosso DOC) and Melodia (Marche Rosso IGT).

The family

From father to son, wine has become our vocation. Filippo Maraviglia, later joined by his sons Davide and Ivan, left the city to dedicate himself to the vineyards with passion, ambition and a deep respect for nature and local traditions.

The area

Since the very beginning, the roots on which we decided to establish our company have been inextricably linked to the territory that welcomed us. We owe the quality and the success of our wine to these lands, to our sense of belonging to them and to a deep respect.
Our vineyards are in Pianné di Matelica.
Located at the center of the valley between S. Vicino mountains to the east, Mount Catria to the west and the Sibillini mountains to the south, the area of ​​Matelica is in fact the only one in the Marche region to be developed transversely, resulting in a perfect microclimate for viticulture.
It is in these favorable conditions that we produce our wines, committing ourselves to keeping the promise of a wine respecting local traditions, while trying to improve ourselves year after year to reconfirm its excellence.

Winery experiences

Different taste itineraries to discover our wines and the local products.